Page 3... A Turbulent Era
For the first 25 years of its existence, the Polish Union of America was an unincorporated association serving as an umbrella for many parish societies. The location of the headquarters of the organization was subject to change at each national convention, and, accordingly, was relocated from St. Paul, Minnesota, to Buffalo to St. Paul to Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, and then to Buffalo. At a bitter convention in Chicago in 1908, Buffalo was again chosen for the Polish Union of America's principal office and place of business. For the succeeding two years, the officers were elected from members residing in Buffalo and its vicinity. Immediately after the convention, controversy and disagreement arose between the newly-elected officers and many of the societies in Pennsylvania. The result was the formation of a separate fraternal organization, which today is known as the Polish Union of the United States of North America. Despite efforts of nationally prominent people to reunite both factions, the split was confirmed in 1910, when the organizations held separate conventions. Unfortunately, questions regarding the allocation of assets between the two organizations were resolved only after extensive litigation.
Contact Information
If you are interested in finding out more about the Polish Union of America or have any questions regarding our site, products, services and community activities, please contact us by the method you prefer:

Mailing Address:

(716) 677-0220
(716) 677-0246
745 Center Rd., West Seneca, NY 14224-2108
