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The original concept of the Polish Union of America was to unite the many mutual benefit societies that had sprung up at parishes throughout Polonia. Typically, a society would impose flat dues, in exchange for which a member's family would receive a stipend upon death to cover the cost of burial. Dues were set on a per-capita basis and were usually not adjusted for age. In other words, the societies did not calculate benefits based on any actuarial standard. Such practices violated state laws that were being implemented in the early part of the 20th century. In 1914, the New York State Insurance Department advised the Polish Union of America that it was transacting business in violation of New York law, and that, unless the association established a lawful status, the department would proceed to prohibit its transaction of business. Thereupon, the Polish Union of America undertook a campaign to procure the necessary number of insured persons to establish a fraternal benefit society under the insurance law of the State of New York. On February 16, 1915, the Superintendent of Insurance issued a preliminary Certificate to incorporate under the name of the Polish Union of America. The incorporation of the organization was completed on July 16, 1917.
Contact Information
If you are interested in finding out more about the Polish Union of America or have any questions regarding our site, products, services and community activities, please contact us by the method you prefer:

Mailing Address:

(716) 677-0220
(716) 677-0246
745 Center Rd., West Seneca, NY 14224-2108
