Our Founding...
Beginning in the last
quarter of the 19th century,
millions of immigrants
came to America to
work in its factories
and farms. Some
came for short term
employment, but many
stayed to raise families
and to build homes,
churches, and social
institutions. All would
encounter a harsh,
foreign environment
which was generally
unsympathetic to their
needs and wants.
As with many other ethnic groups, Poles would face harsh discrimination in addition to the challenge of living within a society having unfamiliar language and customs. Like other ethnic groups, Poles would also address the challenge of the environment by creating new social networks and institutions. One such institution is the Polish Union of America - Unia Polska w Ameryce.
Contact Information
If you are interested in finding out more about the Polish Union of America or have any questions regarding our site, products, services and community activities, please contact us by the method you prefer:

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 115 Springville, NY 14141-0115

New E-Mail: